56 Responses to Girl Who “Quit Job” via Dry Erase Board Pics a Hoax

  1. James Cronen says:

    I love the page turn.

  2. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAH They can probably hear me laughing out in the hall way!!! This is GREATNESS, Kevin! ABSOLUTELY GREAT!

  3. Hopeful says:

    That was great!!! Blog of the year!

  4. Erin Morelli says:

    I previously tweeted that today’s “Wondermark” comic “made my day”. I rescind this statement and hereby declare that this post has not only “made my day” but quite possibly my entire week. Well done.

  5. Lola says:

    Very well done.

  6. derryX says:

    Love it!

    I was trying to explain it to Genwar on twitter…

    The media came along and said “hey!! here’s this unbelievable story with this really hot girl in it!!!” My reaction was “Yeah she is hot!!” not even considering the validity of the actual story.

    This was like the whole Wii Fit Hula Hoop girl or the Chocolate Rain kid. People who have a means to saying something on the internet are going to.

    Heck, I even remember Tom Scharpling (through AP Mike) saying that Luther Campbell would have spoken against free speech if he could turn a buck doing it…

  7. Kimberly says:

    Thank you – just, thank you.

  8. Erin's Dad says:

    Awesome. May or may not stop giggling by tomorrow.

  9. Sabra says:

    Thanks for the laugh Kevin! I really needed that today!

  10. cute~ella says:

    You have nailed it again. Well played.

  11. Meagan says:

    LOVE it!!! All posts should be like this.

  12. jaci says:

    Cute. You hit the nail on the head though, I thought I was the only one who didn’t consider the Jet Blue dude a hero and now there’s going to be an influx of people filming themselves quitting for youtube.

  13. Debbie says:

    OMG Kevin. That was the funniest I’ve read all day, probably all week. Thanks for laugh.

  14. Lisa says:

    Haha … Dry erase board girl – a hoax…. I just knew this was coming…. we are all so ready to “just accept” what the media reports to us that we rarely seek more information or credible confirmation. Let this be a lesson… check your facts.

  15. B.J. Hart says:

    Are you related to Bob Dillon?

  16. Jeff says:

    I appreciated the “screw it all” attitude, whether it was real or not. I think we’d all like to be able to do that, but life always interferes. The bills need to get paid at the end of the day.

    Your response was old spice worthy.

  17. BL says:

    Awesome job!

  18. KC says:

    Best blog post EVER!

  19. gs says:

    I thought it was brilliant. Even if it was a hoax, it was creative, entertaining, funny, and fresh. It obviously caught your attention to the extent that you satirized it.
    If it was real, what would make it admirable is that it was an original expression — which is hard to find in modern discourse. Of course, calling out your boss in such a public manner is deplorable. You’re asking what is admirable–the orginality is admirable. That’s about it.

  20. jrcasmir says:

    very funny, good job.. knew that other story was too good to be true

  21. Jen says:

    Missed the whole thing…Started to look for the girl turning the signs, got distracted because it took too long and wandered away. Memes get boring, don’t they?

    Ahhh…Well, I am talking to people on the internet. Nevermind. MEMES ROCK!!!!

  22. Upstate Gyrll says:

    He’s really ugly and gay looking…#FAIL

  23. I keep coming back to this just because your facial expressions crack me right the hell up!

  24. Bert-Bert says:

    Well done.

  25. Bert-Bert says:

    P.S. I’m hella jealous of your emergency slide. It looks like fun.

  26. me neither says:

    The play definitely your acting. Nailed the facial expressions. Dry Erase girls got nothing on you.

    PS. I can’t believe they had auditions for the role of that girl. Was it seriously that hard to find someone to do that?

  27. DavidW says:

    Kudos and well played. Except – in my circles – I don’t think anyone was considering them brave… just very entertaining. Regardless, your rebuttal is picture perfect.

  28. Ron says:

    What dry erase girl?

  29. Vincent Barr says:

    This is impressive. Everything about this post is impressive.

    Good call with the definition of bravery.

  30. Michael Rivest says:

    You’re too funny, Kevin. You should write about boxing. We could use some laughs:) – M

  31. Traci says:

    Funniest thing I have seen done in awhile. Good Job.

  32. Tony Barbaro says: I have to go and beat the crap out of a McDonlad’s drive thru worker because I can’t get McNuggets at 8am, just to keep up with you.
    damn you Kevin Marshall,you evil genius.

  33. AC says:

    Excellent take on the whole thing.

  34. HomeTownGirl says:

    Ha! That was fabulous!!!

  35. JGR says:

    Nothing more needs to be said. Awesome.

  36. D. Matthews says:

    Totally awesome! And did anyone notice dry erase girl was wearing a different shirt in the last 3 pics, at least in the version I saw…

  37. Lynn says:

    I love this, hahahaha.

  38. James says:

    nice job

  39. momto1 says:

    Thanks for the laugh.

  40. Joanne says:

    VERY funny! What passes for heroic today is something I don’t get!

  41. Jessica R says:

    Yay. I love this post. Way to get creative.

  42. Eric says:

    Dear Erin Morelli (#6):

    This AND Wondermark made my day. They don’t have to be mutually exclusive!

  43. VonKaiserTCS says:

    Well done…Mel Gibson thought it was so good, he quit Hollywood with a dry erase board, too…love the spoofs:

  44. Sue says:

    This is a very funny post. Made me laugh – well done.

    When I heard the story, I believed (hoped?) it was real – probably because there’s a part of every woman in Corporate America who has, at one time or another, wanted to do this. Real or not, it made me (and many of my peers) smile.

    I didn’t really think of it as passive-aggressive until I read your post. You’re definitely right – it’s much better to stand up for yourself in person. Still, if the story had been real, the young lady wasn’t exactly hiding her own identity, or those of the people she was addressing or talking about.

    Not like, say, posting anonymously on a blog.

  45. maryanne ackiss says:

    Good job Kevin…very funny!

    Your Mammy

  46. :o says:

    Yes! A thousand times, yes!

  47. Huh, I wonder where that idea got it’s start:
    Don’t forget the four-letter ‘F’-word at about a minute eighteen.

  48. Erin L says:

    I love you for this post, Kevin.

  49. Donna H says:

    “I can’t believe they had auditions for the role of that girl. Was it seriously that hard to find someone to do that?”

    They auditioned for that and picked that chick? Must have been the looks because the acting wasn’t that impressive.

    It seemed off to me not just because she wasn’t convincing because it wasn’t logical either. If said boss was a pig, he’s not going to let her stand there and hold up that board calling him one on her way out. Security is going to be called, etc.

    Can no one say take this job and shove it any more? Or just I quit!

  50. lizflicks says:

    The humour with the passive aggressive act, the “bravery” as you put it had a great twist because when dealing with workplace bullies that is how they behave and get away with it. The fact she dealt him back the same way he had been dealing with the whole office is what was priceless. If you have ever been the victim of office bullying then you would know standing up for yourself with an office bully is impossible. Even the experts say if you can’t deal with them then quit…which is why bullying is hard to deal with AND prove. Quitting and doing it in a passive aggressive way is unfortunately the only way I have ever seen anything get done in a corporate office. Which is why corporate is so unhealthy, passive aggressive and co-dependent and attracts a certain personality type. So to answer your question about is it better to stand up for yourself…well she did…but in the only language the office would understand. By the way I know it was a hoax but sure said a lot to a lot of people

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