Ever have that moment where you write or type a word like “piranhas” and then pause because it just looks wrong, even though you’ve double-checked and that is indeed the correct spelling of “piranhas?”

Really? You have? What’s wrong with you?

Anyway, there’s this movie coming out called “Piranha 3D.” I’d say this is the best use of 3D yet, but “Step Up 3D” has it beat. I mean, where else can you see people dancing in three dimensions? Well, except for like everywhere in real life.

I’m digressing again. I think it’s because I lost my mind listening to Ving Rhames do one of the most insane radio interviews I’ve ever heard with a DJ from a small market somewhere in Montana. Seriously, it has to be heard to be believed.

My explanation: I’ve heard that these things are really, really frustrating and boring to do. What you basically do when you’re an actor in a movie is you sit there with a publicist and call in to one radio show after another, ad nauseum, for like hours. And you say the same things while the DJs (for the most part) repeat the same questions.

So Ving was on like hour two or three of this nonsense, and MTV’s publicist said something that ticked him off. So he finally said “screw it” and decided he was going to mess with her, the DJ, and everyone else within earshot.

That or Ving’s in a really dark place (with PIRANHAS) and needs to be pulled out.


6 Responses to Ving Rhames vs. The Piranhas

  1. McLovin says:

    Thanks for the post. We really appreciate that you post this. Thanks from Billings, MT

  2. U2 says:

    Ving Rhames’s career is just as hitched to John Travolta’s “comeback” as is Pulp Fiction. They both owe Quentin Terrintino everything..or at least a few beers.

  3. Frank Davis says:

    Ving didn’t bother me.
    Did feel a little sorry for the interviewer, though. He kept scrambling to achieve some semblance of control; desperately–and mostly unsuccessfully–applying various formulaic techniques.
    How utterly relieved was he when Rhames stopped talking? Must have been thinking he should have interviewed the piranhas.

  4. Tony Barbaro says:

    Hey, could be worse, he could’ve pulled a Gibson.

  5. Cindy says:

    “On a boat on the HUDSON RIVER surrounded by piranhas”… I can’t stop laughing!

  6. Donna H says:

    That five minutes was boring and pathetic and assures me that my first impression is right. I don’t want to sit through two hours of it.

    I really think that this was entirely scripted in a pathetic attempt at a hook to draw you in. Man, can I get those five minutes of my life back? I stopped listening at one and a half minutes, read the comments then played it in hopes of something more interesting.

    That was a mistake. Yawn.

    Seriously. That was sad and boring and transparent. Even playing the race card repeatedly seemed a pathetic attempt to stir up controversary for attention’s sake.

    I can only conclude the movie must be a real freaking loser.

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