Yesterday I was checking my e-mail and got a new Google Alerts summary for myself. I do this not because of ego, but instead to see who’s been talking about me and, more importantly, who’s been talking smack about me.

What I got yesterday, though, floored me. Check out the entry in the middle:

Oh man, what was I thinking?

The website listed is called, which for a handful of cities (Las Vegas, Miami, Tampa Bay, Reno, and Phoenix) tells you who’s in the slammer and where they are.

In this instance, what happened in Vegas stayed in Vegas; as did I, behind its bars. I don’t remember this happening or even going to Vegas. But who am I to argue with the internet?

Regardless, I’ve learned my lesson. If I have drugs on me, I’ll make sure they are fully introduced into Comme, whatever that means.

On a side note: how much of a degenerate to you have to be to get arrested in Las Vegas? That place is like Deadwood. I mean, pretty much anything goes there. I think you’re actually allowed to murder people after sunset.


13 Responses to Got Busted in Vegas on a Drug Charge

  1. Tony Barbaro says:

    What happens in Vegas, stays on the interweb……that’s ok, when a google myslef(which is a crime in some southern towns)apparently I went on a shooting spree in the 70’s….

  2. Brad says:

    Looks like your little meditation group retreat went awry.

  3. Kevin, you’ve obviously had a huge blackout. Please seek help before it’s too late!

  4. phoneguy says:

    Tupac got shot after sunset and not a witness in site.

  5. derryX says:

    I see, partying with Scott Hall again…

  6. Jball says:

    I googled myself once, and found that I share first and last names with a kid who committed suicide on webcam, which caused a bit of a stir it seems. A bit worse than getting arrested in Vegas!

  7. LV says:

    I love that I will more than likely never have this problem.

  8. Em says:

    Phoneguy, I totally saw Tupac driving a minivan down Central Ave a few weeks ago.

  9. Teri Conroy says:

    I’d rather my ‘other self’ get busted in Vegas. My google alerted me that my other self is a porn star. And my other other self is a snowshoe instructor.

  10. Dan Miller says:

    A drug bust you can live down, but what about membership in a reality TV boy band?

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