Rather than pulling my hair and banging my head on the desk (or in this case the table at Flavour Cafe), I combat writer’s block by engaging in a staring contest with the Internet. It rarely provides any inspiration or shatters the block, but it does occasionally give me gems like this:

The movie poster for “Beastmaster.”

Check out all that bad-assery. It looks like it’d be an awesome movie, right?

Well, not so fast.

I’ve always had a soft spot for “Beastmaster,” but it’s not a great film. At the very least, it’s certainly not as cool as the concept or the poster above would lead you to believe.

Over the years there have been some great posters for movies that didn’t live up to the promise of the image encased in glass on the wall of the Multi-Plex. What follows are  just a few examples.



The rundown of the cast alone (sans LL Cool J and maybe Cameron Diaz) should be enough to get you excited. Unfortunately, the poster cleverly leaves out a name that should provide ample warning for what’s to come: director Oliver Stone. What could be a riveting ensemble drama examining the depths of depravity, hedonism, and hypocrisy in America’s #1 sport is instead reduced to a bloated mess with all the depth and subtlety of a love poem written by a 6th grader.

What a waste of James Woods.



Really, this shouldn’t have been too hard. It’s a guy whose skull is on fire, gets his powers from Satan, and beats people up with a chain. Yet, almost masterfully, master hack Mark Steven Johnson manages to completely screw the pooch by writing and directing one of the hands-down worst big-budget films ever made. A terrible movie even by Nic Cage “oh crap, I need to do a movie quick to get next month’s mortgage payment in” standards.

Amazingly, this is getting a sequel. God help us.


G.I. JOE (2007)

Another one that should have been hard to completely miss the boat on, but never underestimate Hollywood when it comes to screwing up a sure thing. All this film needed to do was cash in on lazy nostalgia and it couldn’t even accomplish that, opting instead to re-imagining the franchise by setting it in “the near future” (almost always indicative of lazy, terrible writing) and refusing to make a decision as to whether or not it should take itself seriously. Honestly, either way would have been fine, but it commits to neither and as a result ends up being a whole lot of nothing.



There wasn’t anybody more excited for this film than I was, and yet at seven years old (which is how old I was when I finally had my mother rent the film for me from the local Price Chopper) I was aghast at the creative(?) license they took with the characters and concept.

How bad was this movie? Well, like so many other 80s action/sci-fi films, it made the mistake of listening to the one guy in the room that insisted it needed a teenager or two to be part of the plot in order to make it “relatable to the kids!” Apparently, it also needed a gremlin-like creature to replace the wizard Orco and provide comic relief.

And on a geek note: is it me or did they completely confuse Skeletor (played by Frank Langella…?!) for Mumm-Ra from “Thundercats”?



We’ll be here all day if I try to go into where this misguided film (and subsequent installments in the prequel trilogy) went wrong. In short, though, it’s right there in the image. While amazing and chill-inducing for unsuspecting fans of the original films, it should have been our first hint that something was amiss.

Who the Hell cares what Darth Vader was doing when he was a pre-pubescent child?



Ignoring “Carrie On,” which is such a terrible tag line that most people didn’t realize it existed despite the fact that it played off the main character’s name, the poster is memorable, gorgeous, and pops out at you. Carrie comes forth like an angel sent from Heaven (or at least the corner of it occupied by the Versace family) to deliver women from the agony of perpetual adaptations of comic book properties and action-adventure fair.

…unfortunately, what women got instead were ignorant caricatures shamelessly showing their age in clothing that isn’t suitable for women half their age in a zany two and a half hour version of a late-80s sitcom vacation episode.


SPIDER-MAN 3 (2007)

Man, this was it! Spider-Man, the black costume, the identity crisis followed by the unveiling of the most popular villain in recent decades. Cool, right?

Not so much. The film stumbles from one scene into another until it culminates in a Bollywood-style dance number with Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) as an evil post-emo hipster with rhythm. Yet somehow, that wasn’t the most ludicrous and inexplicable character turn in “Spider-Man 3.”



All of Christian Bale’s behind-the-scenes rage (warning: NSFW) is mystifying considering how much he mailed in his performance in this film. Not that he could have saved it from a hacky script and McG’s one-dimensional creative vision.

Side note on that infamous rant: that shouldn’t have gone more than thirty seconds before director McG stepped in and took control of that situation. I don’t care what song he sang in “Newsies,” you don’t ever let an actor announce you’re ‘going again’ or take over a shoot like that.



The poster tried to invoke the mystery and intrigue of The Shadow, but the only mystery here is what this film was trying to accomplish. As a character and a property, The Shadow was a pulp hero (borderline anti-hero) ahead of his time. Too bad this film got ahead of itself.



I know I’ll catch flack for this one since so many people loved it. But while the posters and even the film’s actual imagery were mostly faithful to the source material, it didn’t carry anywhere near as much depth as Alan Moore’s original mini-series from which it was adapted.

As a director, I think Zack Snyder is all flash and pop and not much else. I hope for his (and art’s) sake he proves me wrong.


15 Responses to Great Posters for Terrible Movies

  1. Adam says:

    Watchmen was a pretty crappy movie, but it is watchable for one reason: Malin Akerman.

  2. EZ says:

    Nice job. I was also extremely disappointed with the He-Man movie.

  3. JGR says:

    I was so stoked for Ghost Rider when I heard about it because I was/am such a Marvel nut. What a poopfest! I pretend Spider-Man 3 never happened along with the Star Wars Prequels. What were these guys thinking other than $$$?

  4. Will Gilchryst says:

    When it comes to crappy 80’s movies, check out the poster for Critters (1986) or any of its installments. I was a kid and even then I didn’t know whether to laugh or check Oscar the Grouch for steroid use.

  5. Em says:

    I am happy to report that I’ve never seen any of these movies.
    Well that’s not entirely true…I watched the first 5 mins of Phantom Menace and fell asleep.

  6. KGB says:

    Did this post begin with movies that you had hope for and hated, then remembered they had fantastic one-sheets? Or were you reviewing posters recently and went “wow, what a great image” only to flash-forward to inevitable cinematic let-down?

    Also, please take back what you said about “Masters of the Universe”; Dolph can do NO wrong!

  7. I’ve seen most of these, and I love your blurbs!

    RE: Masters of the Universe – My friends and I suspect that this movie was a project they had sitting around without a title for years before executing because of the disparity between it and anything He-Man. It seems like, after the fact, they re-wrote the script to make it resemble the He-Man universe but failed miserably. It also came 2+ years after the peak of popularity of the toys/show, so they obviously were reluctant to put it out there.

    RE: Watchmen – Yes it doesnt capture the depth of Moore’s masterpiece, but there’s no way it ever could. You can pick that book up over and over and get something new every time. And, although they toyed with the ending and ultimate meaning of the work, I enjoy the film in a universe of it’s own. Taken side by side with Superman Returns, it’s a respectable film [Snyder spoiled Superman for me – not that Superman 2, 3, and 4 helped – aside: the Donner cut of Superman 2 is fantastic]

  8. Ahh yes, my mistake. Wait, you liked Superman Returns?

    I liked the setup for the characters, but thought the execution was a little off. The imbalance of making Supes look like the messiah followed by how easily he was owned by Luthor (Spacey was amazing BTW) was bothersome to me. And I had a bit of an issue with Cyclops being the bigger hero at the end of the day. hahaha

  9. EZ says:

    I would like to see an “Awesome movie posters where the movie lived up the the hype” column. I’m sure you could word it better. I would present the poster for “Carne Tremula”. This movie poster was literally on every major city street corner in Spain for 2 months before the Almodovar classic was released in theaters. The movie was awesome and even had a cameo by Penelope Cruz. Google image “Carne Tremula poster” and then imagine that poster on every lamp post and city-building across America (would never happen).

  10. u2 says:

    If you can find a movie poster of Sandy Lyle playing the bagpipes as the kid in “Crocodile Tears” you’ve got Movie Gold!!!!!

    Seriously, I’ll buy it.

  11. Jay Bobbin says:

    I’m a sucker for the all-star-disaster-movie posters of the 1970s, not to mention those movies themselves. Even if the film turned out to be horrid — and there was about an 85-percent chance of that — it was a kick to see all those little photos of the stars bunched together.

    Many of them came from “disaster master” producer Irwin Allen, post-“Poseidon Adventure” and “Towering Inferno,” but one I feel especially bad about is “Meteor”: Sean Connery! Natalie Wood! Henry Fonda! And a big, honkin’ meteor that moves at exactly the same speed in the film and on the poster.

  12. Eric says:

    The Shadow movie was the biggest disappointment of my entire childhood.

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