I’m sickened by the coverage of what’s being termed a nuclear crisis in Japan, but it’s not from worry. It’s from a media and specific journalists that are sensationalizing this story at the expense of science, logic, and the Japanese people.

If you were to read news articles like most people read news articles – a quick glance at a headline and skimming of the first couple paragraphs – you’d be under the impression that Japan was about to become an uninhabitable, permanently irradiated wasteland. However, according to all legitimate scientists in the field and various other outlets, that simply isn’t the case.

That’s not to say there isn’t cause for concern. The situation is not good. However, the mainstream media in the U.S. has contributed to a certain level of unnecessary and unfounded panic surrounding certain developments. There are facts and there are uncertainties, but the two have been lost in the confusion that has resulted from the perpetual feeding frenzy the media has been engaged in since the waves of the tsunami crested.

The latest occurred last night, when news broke that the remaining workers at the Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant had been evacuated because radiation levels had become too high. As it turns out, it was only while levels spiked, and the workers returned after an hour.

However, unlike the brave 50 who have remained behind to contain the damage despite the risk to their own health and lives, MSNBC (among other outlets) did little to quell the fire. The website is in what I call Crisis Mode: when a huge news story breaks, they modify their regular site design and instead draw further attention a single story by centering one headline at or near the top, blowing up the font size to three to four times its normal size, and changing the case to all capital letters.

Last night, the news organization continued with its coverage by using this method to inform that workers had been evacuated from one of the sites. And yet, buried near the bottom of the nearly 2,000 word news article are these tidbits:

Officials in Tokyo — 150 miles to the south of the plant — said radiation in the capital was 10 times normal by Tuesday evening but there was no threat to human health. The city is home to 13 million people.

Officials just south of Fukushima reported up to 100 times the normal levels of radiation Tuesday morning. While those figures are worrying if there is prolonged exposure, they are far from fatal.

Then comes a quote arbitrarily inserted to the point of being apologetic for the tone of the rest of the article:

“These are figures that potentially affect health. There is no mistake about that,” he said.

After inciting fear that the temporary removal of the workers had indicated a complete nuclear collapse was imminent, MSNBC.com suddenly changed its headline, slightly altering its tone:

MSNBC didn’t get the story they wanted, and you can almost see the pouting faces of disappointed fear-mongerers in their addendum from the New York Times. “Oh darn, it’s not as bad as we thought. BUT GUYS IT’S STILL REALLY REALLY BAD.”

Then the site hit paydirt when an off-the-cuff remark from an official not involved in the crisis gave them a new headline:

The “slow-moving nightmare” is a phrase used by a research affiliate at MIT. Without any new developments to report on, MSNBC has once again resulted to covering fear in lieu of facts.

They’re not alone. A recent CNN.com article (among others they’ve posted) employed similar tactics. The tone was of panic and concern, with quotes from political officials in France accusing the Japanese of downplaying the situation and painting various worst-case scenarios. Then, buried at the bottom of the article, was this:

If fuel rods inside the reactors are melting, “the million-dollar question is whether that melting will be contained,” said James Walsh, a CNN contributor and research associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s security studies program.

At present, the long-term impact on public health from the crisis appears minimal, Brenner said.

“I think, at this point in time, there’s no real evidence that there are health risks to the general population,” he said.

Compare that to the tone of this article from the BBC:

Both explosions at the plant were preceded by cooling system breakdowns but the Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) said neither blast penetrated the thick containment walls shielding the reactor cores.

It said radiation levels outside were still within legal limits.

Mr Amano said the crisis was very unlikely to turn into another Chernobyl, the nuclear power plant in Ukraine that blew up in 1986.

This was not buried at the bottom of the article; rather, it was in the first few paragraphs.

As pointed out by Popular Mechanics and other outlets, the worst case scenarios won’t come anywhere near as bad as Chernobyl, despite the constant invoking of the 1986 disaster. The facilities were both constructed at similar times, but unlike Chernobyl the Fukushima plant’s design is and always was inherently safer. The Chernobyl disaster was largely attributable to poor design and shortcuts taken to complete the facility.

And as RPI Professor Yaron Danon recently pointed out to various local outlets (as well as RPI blog The Approach):

“I want to emphasize that an additional safety mechanism – the containment of the reactor even after the explosion of unit one – should still be in tact. So even if there is partial or full meltdown of the core, which might be possible if they lose the cooling, radioactivity will not be released from these sites.”

So we are left with a situation that is bad, but not grim and hopeless.

There are so many unknowns in situations such as these that it’s nearly impossible to know what’s going to come next. It’s not irresponsible for the media to report on the worst case scenarios. However, I think it is irresponsible for them to pedal in speculative fiction and to write the narrative before the facts of the situation are in, as they did last night and have done the last several days.

The people of Japan and the international community have enough real concern in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake, tsunami, and troubles at the plants. To add to it with misleading or borderline fabricated information just seems cruel and unnecessary.


You can assist in the recovery effort in Japan by visiting the following websites:


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11 Responses to Japan, nuclear power, and the American media meltdown

  1. Bamster says:

    You missed something, Kevin. How about the 1 thru 7 nuclear disaster scale? I see articles where they are interviewing “experts” to contradict what level the disaster is at. Some say 4, some say 6. The funny thing is this is the same media that mocks the 1 thru 5 terror scale system here in teh USA.

    The bottom line in the main stream media coverage is that they have previously aligned themselves with the left leaning windmill and solar energy crowd. They now need to cast nuclear energy in the worst possible way in order to maintain continuity. Bottom line is over 40 people have been killed in the past ten years in wind turbine realted accidents and 0 have been killed in nuclear accidents in the same time frame in the USA.

    • Bamster - Exactly. In particular, the Japanese and others say 4, but the French say 6.

      As a commie pinko lefty, I do have to say that there’s an inherent hypocrisy in many who decry the right as being “anti-science” still leaning so hard against nuclear power and using this to further an agenda that’s not rooted in science.

  2. GenWar says:




  3. Tony Barbaro says:

    When Wolf Blitzer comes back with 3 arms and 2 heads you’ll be singing another tune.
    I’ll be back….going to walmart to buy plastic and duct tape….I need to seal off my bay window to keep the evil Japanese death rays out. It’s a plot to pay us back for Heroshma..well played Japan.

  4. mattydread says:

    We’re a headline driven society so this is no surprise. You know the panic button is out of control when Albany area residents are buying up iodide. Just pathetic.

  5. John says:

    Case in point, the Times Union’s, Steve Barnes recent blog headline.

    “Japan radioactivity could enter food chain”

    How would you like to read that as you are munching on some green grapes you bought this morning, probably from the west coast. Turns out, he was linking from a Reuters article about the Japan area.

  6. JGR says:

    I’ll say this: It’s not as bad as Chernobyl nor is it as “good” as Three Mile Island. There are very interested parties keeping track of this thing, and have people sending information from the area, because of the track record of “honesty” with TEPCO. The bad thing about the press is that they want sensation and most Americans aren’t educated enough about radiation or reactor operations and safety design. So, what you have is a giant conglomeration of fear from the unknown and stupidity being spat about everywhere. My biggest concern is that this will push a nuclear power option for the US right out of the window when we want to seriously consider alternatives for fossil fuels.

  7. EZ says:

    To be competitive in the internet news business you must have big splashy headlines that make it seem the world is falling apart:

    References: The Drudge Report
    Kevin Marshall’s America

    The News always compromises truth for attention ($). And in this instance, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. I wouldn’t trust a single report downplaying the damage this reactor is and can cause. This coverage is no worse then every website that has to have the best and latest tsunami footage. Look at how awesomely horrifying this video is! Watch! Click! Check out our Advertisers! Was the Radiation in Japan Responsible for massive bird deaths New Year’s Eve? Click here to find out on the second to last line of the article!
    News doesn’t = truthful history.
    Would you call out reporter that sensationalized Hurricane Katrina by stating that the levee’s held in New Orleans (which they originally had), nothing to see here, Katrina was only a category 3 when it hit?

    • “Would you call out reporter that sensationalized Hurricane Katrina by stating that the levee’s held in New Orleans (which they originally had), nothing to see here, Katrina was only a category 3 when it hit?”

      Your analogy is built on an incorrect comparison. You’re comparing a disaster that we know and did see happen (Katrina) with speculation over the severity of a disaster that hasn’t happened yet and might not at all. If you were comparing Katrina to the tsunami, yes, you’d have a point. But that’s not what this is about at all.

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