The next twenty-four hours is bound to contain numerous mentions and references to R.E.M.’s “It’s the End of the World as We Know It,” and people are bound to be playing it loudly in their cars, houses, and apartments while  laughing to themselves.

Me, I think it’s far too artless and literal to invoke. More importantly, the soundtrack to the end of the world isn’t R.E.M. It’s Patsy Cline.

Her voice, ethereal, is like a distant cry from a far-off place that might be the after-life. She experienced sorrow and heartache throughout her tragically short life, and much of that pain is transferred through her earnest and heartbreaking delivery. Listening to her, I feel every note to the point that I don’t even hear the words. Willie Nelson wrote “Crazy?” Great. Who cares? Patsy made it hers. There’s a genuine, innate sadness in her songs, delivered with a sigh of relief that the worst is over.

To me, her voice has always been the sound of the world ending.

What’s your soundtrack to the Apocalypse?

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12 Responses to Soundtrack to the Apocalypse

  1. texas pynchon says:

    grateful dead 2/28/69: dark star>st. stephen>the eleven>death don’t have no mercy.

  2. Tony Barbaro says:

    Van Halen’s Jump!-for all those who don’t get swooped up.
    AC/DC-Highway to Hell-for the non-believers

  3. Jill says:

    Apocalypse Now- Muse

  4. jrcasmir says:

    Europe: the final countdown. Ma$e 24 hrs to live. Aileen Quinn in musical “Annie” (1982), singing “Tomorrow”

  5. Emily Lee says:

    I love love love Patsy Cline.
    But for the ending of the world?

  6. jrcasmir says:

    FYI- BAD NEWS: This may be the last Friday in history. GOOD NEWS: That means no more “Friday” from Rebecca Black.

  7. EZ says:

    I imagine that the choir of angels sounds similar to Enya.

  8. EZ says:

    No, that would be Disco Inferno. Awesome the first time around, but on a never-ending loop….?!

  9. Ski says:

    I know you’re not much of a video game fan, but you should check out the soundtrack to Fallout 3. You’d love it. Tell me this isn’t scary end-of-the-world music.

  10. Ski says:

    This one is my favorite. I can see myself, looking up at the firey sky as my Christian brethren asend. My Irish skin crisps just listening to this song.

  11. Sean says:

    Godspeed You Black Emperor – Dead Flag Blues (from the F#AoAo) album.
    A Silver Mt. Zion – He Has Left Us Alone… (Album)

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