If you donate $15 to Special Olympics of New York between now and Sunday at midnight, I will personally draw a portrait of you. UPDATE 7/29/11 – extended through the end of August!

I say crude because my artistic skills are, to put it kindly, lacking. To put it not so kindly, I am terrible at drawing and never took to it. But what do you want for $15? It’s a crude drawing. I do spend time on it, carefully examining the picture and doing my damndest to present an accurate and artistic representation. It may be crude, but rude it is not. I draw once every few years. But when I do, it’s with nothing but love.

To give you a taste, here’s a picture of me:

And here’s a picture I drew of myself:

And you can have one too for just a small $15 donation. GET EXCITED.

For more information on my Stuntraising efforts and the Over the Edge fundraiser as a whole, click here.

2 Responses to If you donate $15 to Special Olympics, I will make a crude drawing of you

  1. Amy says:

    Dude I feel sooooo ripped off. No harmless cheese sandwich hurled at my car, no crude drawing? >:(

    However, I did enjoy your crudely-drawn self-portrait!!!

  2. Jen says:

    Kevin, I’m now at the point where I’m so amused that I want to wait until the last minute to see what else you’ll offer. This is awesome.

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