Rather than go through the work of writing another blog post, here’s links to things that are ACTUALLY INTERESTING. Go figure!

A Golden Arm, a Head of Steel and Feet of Clay - Chuck Miller’s fantastic essay on Ben Roethlisberger.

It’s Like Jim Davis Can Read My Mind

Dinosaur delayed in Troy? – Table Hopping – Steve Barnes- Dinosaur Barbecue not coming until the Fall. Everybody overreact to this news in 3…2..1..

The Trust Gap: Why People Are So Cynical – Studies suggest that cynical people (like the ones you find on the internet) are the result of a lack of real life experience. I’d say that’s accurate.

Matthew Carefully: Community BalloonDetails on Matthew Carefully’s forthcoming June 1st release, “Community Balloon”

Concern, questions surround community police changes - New Troy Chief of Police John Tedesco has a revolutionary idea: community policing shouldn’t be an agency within the department, it should be…well, the whole idea behind policing.

US Torchwood remake is put on hold - Reportedly ended when Fox said “hey, don’t we always end up sabotaging our own sci-fi shows anyway?”

Sunset Gun: Number One Third Man Redux – Movie critic & essayist Kim Morgan on one of my favorite films, “The Third Man.”

Our Future is Our Youth – TU blogger Libby Post on her experience and speaking engagement (along with openly gay local anchor Steve Ammerman) at Sage College for the National Day of Silence.

April 19, 1995East Greenbush Colonie (d’oh! my bad) TU blogger Kari on the oft-overlooked anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing.

Death-notice price gouging: Why? - Some Hearst Newspapers are engaging in a truly despicable act: price gouging obituaries.

25 Insane Book Covers - Book covers so awful they’re great.

‘How Far They’ve Fallen’ Alert: Matt Lindland – Just how far has Matt Lindland fallen? His opponent for the next Strikeforce Challengers Series card on Showtime is against a guy who has a black belt in jiu-jitsu…that he gave to himself.

Links? Post ‘em if you got ‘em!


13 Responses to Filler Friday: Links to Better Blogs & Stuff

  1. Thanks for the shout out Kevin, but I blog for Colonie ;)

  2. derryX says:

    Just because I blog so infrequently, I’m going to add a link to my Guest Post on Cute~Ella’s blog:


    Readers of Kevin’s blog would like my post because it’s just as verbose if not way more than Kevin’s blog.


  3. Erin L says:

    “US Torchwood remake is put on hold”

    *starts crying*

    First they axe Firefly, now this?

    Barrowmen isn’t going to be on Desperate Housewives forever, and damnit, I need my fix.

  4. Erin L. I KNOW! I am staving my addiction with catching up on the new Dr. Who. If I need a Torchwood fix, I have Netflix. If I want to go to the beginning, I hit Series 1 & 2 of Dr. Who. :D

  5. Erin Morelli says:

    I’m going to take this opportunity to shamelessly plug my own blog, since I have 2 lovely posts regarding the US Torchwood debacle:

    The original post: http://blog.erinmorelli.com/2010/03/23/u-s-torchwood-sparks-familiar-controversy/

    The follow up post: http://blog.erinmorelli.com/2010/04/22/bbc-needs-to-get-its-torchwood-act-together/

  6. Chuck Miller says:

    Well, considering that Torchwood would have been the second attempt to convert Doctor Who into an American-based television series – I suffered through watching that 1996 pilot with Paul McGann who, for better or for worse, is considered one of the transformations of the Doctor. So if he’s only got one or two transformations left, we can blame it on a failed US movie that was planned as a backdoor pilot.

  7. Ellie says:

    Kevin Marshall, friends of all the female geeks of the 518.

    John Barrowman and David Tennant are the things that make up my dreams…

  8. Excuse me? Chuck Miller is all man.

  9. Ellie, I have to agree completely! If I had to choose my favorite “Captain'” from television they would be Captain Jack Harkness & Captain Malcolm Reynolds. Not sure if the Doctor would be considered a captain, but of all the incarnations, I do like David Tennant.

  10. Gman says:

    Harry Lime! Harry Lime!

  11. If they ever do remake Torchwood, perhaps they could avoid the Children of Earth debacle that basically put an end to the UK version? I still don’t think they’re ever going to be able to restart the original series given the aftermath of CoE.

  12. #11 (Gman) – “Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love – they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock. So long, Holly.”

    #12 (Tim) – Yeah, I liked it as a story but hated what it did to the future of that franchise. If they wanted to start it up in the UK side again, they’d have to start off with a whole new cast with a whole new dynamic, which is a shame since that was a big part of the show’s appeal. Plus, they’d have to go and do the “Captain Jack is BACK” thing again, and at this point it’s sort of old hat.

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