To the graduating class of 2010:

"Guys GUYS - now's not the time or the place for finger pointing!" (Philip Kamrass / Times Union)

Good morning, good afternoon, good day and good evening. My name is Kevin Marshall, blogger and barely mediocre local stage actor. Please, do not pretend you don’t know who I am. You’ll just embarrass us both.

Today, you will sit in the blistering sun in dark colors that absorb all heat. Upon the conclusion of the ceremony, you will toss your hat into the air in a celebratory manner. You will laugh, some of you will cry, and you will hug each other. Then you will have that brief moment where you realize, oh crap, I just tossed my hat into the air and now I have no idea which one is mine. You’ll freak out, then realize that it really doesn’t matter all that much.

Congratulations. This is life lesson number one.

I won’t go down a numbered list. Too many people do that, and it’s lazy. I am putting it on you, Class of 2010, to do away with the whole “Top 10” or “Top 100” thing. I don’t care if you’re writing a blog or a television show. Enough is enough, damnit. I can’t take anymore of your lists, and I can’t respect anyone who says “you know, instead of actually critiquing something I’m just going to assign an arbitrary ranking.”

Also, no more jokes about pirates. It’s not funny anymore.

This seems like a lot to lay on you. But you have to understand that you are the future. You may not think it. Hell, some of you may be thinking you don’t have much of a future, with no job lined up and very few prospects for employment if the figures in the media are to be believed. But fret not! Your opportunity will come. A man will follow you on Twitter with tips on how to make money online. Listen to him; he is a marketing guru, and therefore wise.

In all seriousness, it starts and ends with you. You are the generation that’s going to put a new face on business, politics, and society. It’s ultimately going to be on you to reinvigorate our manufacturing industry, or find a new way for us to make money that doesn’t involve pushing empty digits on a computer. You have the opportunity also to be the first in many generations to stand up and say “hey, let’s be adults and have adult discussions.” You have the power to put a stop to political discourse that consists of “YOU LIE!” and “REDNECK!”.

More importantly, you can break the chains of “Generation Me” and drop the undeserved sense of self-entitlement that has been plaguing us twenty-somethings. You can be the ones who say no, we do not deserve this, we have to earn it. You can be the ones who don’t send out passive-aggressive Tweets every time there’s a hiccup in your service or something doesn’t go exactly the way you want it to. You can be the ones to turn to those around you, both younger and older, and say “hey, why don’t you offer something constructive instead of throwing temper tantrums?”

There used to be a huge banner hanging on the overpass of 15th Street in Troy that Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute had adopted as its slogan. It read “Why Not Change the World?” As much as people scoffed at it, I always liked that idea. I wish that the pervasive cynicism in our culture hadn’t overriden the meaningful sentiment behind those words, because while we often say it about you guys we rarely mean it.

But I do. I truly, honestly, and earnestly believe in all of you. For the most part, you’re all great kids. Some of you a bit misguided, yes, but no course is unchangeable.

I’m not saying you need to change the world overnight. Hell, you’re probably not even going to move out of your parents’ house overnight. So here’s some motivation to get you moving quicker: your parents have been having a LOT of sex all over the house in your absence. Their bedroom, your bedroom, kitchen countertops, everywhere.

Now get out there and change the world!


13 Responses to My Commencement Speech to the Graduating Class of 2010

  1. AlbanyJ says:

    ha ha ha ha. Nicely done Marshall.

  2. Will King says:

    I didn’t see the line about parents having sex all over the house coming (no pun intended) and it kind of made me throw up in my mouth a little.

    Nicely done.

  3. Steve says:

    And you didn’t cite Dr. Suess’ “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” even once. Well done

  4. Tony Barbaro says:

    I MAY be cynical, but doesn’t every generation plan on being the one that changes the world? I think the the world changes on it own. Sometimes in spite of us. Sure , take credit if you must….or maybe I’m just a little too old. Every generation has great people, but only a few. The rest of us shlubs just go to work, and try to make a difference in small ways. We can all change our little part of the world I guess. He maybe I’m not that cynical after all.

  5. BlacqButtafly says:

    LOVE IT! Now, can I copy and paste this in my FB Notes (with all credit given to you, of course)???

  6. Eve says:

    Careful there, or someone might attribute this to Kurt Vonnegut. Or turn it into a song with Baz Luhrmann speak/singing. :)

  7. Cute~Ella says:

    Well said, but nothing prevents us from starting to enact those changes in ourselves now. :)

  8. BlacqButtafly says:

    That’ll work too (thanks)! :-)

  9. Joe says:

    Hey, this commencement speach sounds vagely familiar to me and I must ask if perhaps part of it was plagerized from somewhere? The part that struck a familiar tone was the parents having sex all over! LOL

  10. Erin L says:

    My parents never had sex. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

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