Wolf Road!


Actually, I work in Troy and didn’t feel anything, though my work is at a slightly higher elevation (Troy is basically on the side of a hill). My followers on Twitter from as far North as London, ON and as far West as Ohio felt the Earthquake. I also had one friend note that while people on the other side of the building felt it, they didn’t feel a thing (THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID).

More details here. It seems the epicenter was North of Cumberland, Canada.

So, folks, where were you when the great Earthquake of 2010 hit? Are you okay? And who do you blame? I blame the passage of the no-fault divorce in New York State. Or socialized medicine in Canada.


16 Responses to Earthquaaaake!!!

  1. cute~ella says:

    Wow. Good job with the quick pick up there! No one can claim you’re not relevant ;)

  2. There’s a whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on.

  3. Jen says:

    I blame me. I haven’t liked being in NY very much, so the earthquakes are starting to come all the way from CA to make me feel more “at home”.

  4. Chuck Miller says:

    I blame Rocky Mountain Photo Lab, August Cove Resorts, and the Recovery Room Sports Bar and Grille. Why? Because I can… :)

  5. Tony Barbaro says:

    It was J.Eric on the golf course….crushing the other golfers.

  6. Kath says:

    I blame paterson, he just keeps making a mess of the state.

  7. Will King says:

    Yeah people commented on my post from New Hampshire, Western NY (Lockport, Buffalo) and Canada!

    And since I’m a shill…



  8. kriskaten says:

    i felt it in albany. and, like every other social, political and environmental event, i blame kevin marshall.

  9. Em says:

    Wow that is one hell of a pothole.
    Also, I agree with Kath…this is Paterson’s fault.
    Mainly because he’s too scared to accept my fisticuffs challenge.
    Also because he’s ugly.


    (Actually, I was walking around the campus of my former workplace in Great Barrington between 1:30 and 2:00 and felt nothing out of the ordinary . . . although my colleague noted that there were more waves on the pond there than the weather would have indicated, so perhaps the lake got a sloshing?)

  11. Teri Conroy says:

    Dude, It was just me dancing to Carol King (you know, “I feel the earth move under my feet…) Jeez.

  12. Brad says:

    I was in the bathroom, creating my own rumblings….

  13. ben j says:

    NO ONE felt it i Averill PARK

  14. Stephanie says:

    I didn’t feel it, however there was a moment when I was in the shower at about that time…and all of the bottles of crap I have in there fell off the shelf…hmmm.

  15. Donna H says:

    I felt my couch shake in Guilderland. Looked at the grandson and asked him if he felt anything shake. (Yay, Donna, way to grandparent, scare a calm kid.)

    He was deep in a computer game, looked at me as if I were a) crazy and b) an annoyance for interupting Ben 10 (so fortunately I didn’t succeed in scaring him) and went back to his game. That’s fair. I think he’s crazy to see anything whatsoever in Ben 10.

    Then again, I don’t live far from Teri…

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