Whoever wins...WE WIN

The consensus among many is that sequels, while profitable, are rarely better than the original.

Just recently, I had an exchange concrening this issue with “This is College?!” blogger Erin Morelli and DerryX.com blogger derryX. Erin had expressed dismay at Darren Aronofsky’s involvement in the “Robocop” franchise reboot, saying it was far beneath the filmmaker.

Firstly I’d argue that Aronofsky – while a maker of fine films – is also not one to shy away from what we’d consider standard mainstream fare. In this particular instance, however, I couldn’t help but defend the original. Because like “First Blood,” the first “Robocop” is actually a damn good movie that got tainted by the prevalence of incredibly sucky sequels.

There are, however, notable exceptions, including but not limited to “Terminator 2: Judgement Day,” “Aliens,” “The Godfather: Part II,” and “The Empire Strikes Back.”

Now we can add MEGA SHARK VERSUS CROCOSAURUS to that list.

MEGA SHARK VERSUS CROCOSAURUS (a movie so awesome it goes against conventional stylization and is formatted in bold caps) is the sequel to “Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus” (which is simply bolded and while awesome has not grown to all caps and eaten its quotation marks). The first film starred former teen idol Deborah Gibson as a scientist who did science stuff like poor kool-aid into tubes, Lorenzo Lamas as The Emperor of The Military (I assume this because he’s not really given a rank and doesn’t wear a uniform but clearly is in control of the military), and a Japanese guy who wryly compares the military’s ineptness against giant sharks to the U.S. government response to hurricane Katrina.

Also, this happened.


However, nothing can prepare us for the megasharkton (which is the equivalent of six metric s***-tons) of awesomeness that will be MEGA SHARK VERSUS CROCOSAURUS. It has a better cast, including Oscar-nominated actor CROCOSAURUS.

The film also stars Mega Shark and Urkel from “Family Matters.”

Merry Christmas, America!

The trailer:


7 Responses to And on the Eighth Day, God Created Crocosaurus

  1. derryX says:

    Hahaha…this is awesome!

    I personally have been waiting for the sequel to “Snakes on a Plane”…tentatively billed as “Sharks on a Rollercoaster”

    And your notable exceptions are the same three movies I cite when people say sequels are seldom better than the originals. Sometimes I flip flop Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom in there instead of T2, but further thought has me believe that may be the product of nostalgia for that film, as I grew up on that thing.

  2. Vincent Barr says:

    A+ to that first clip.

  3. Em says:

    AHAHAHAHA! I don’t know how I could have missed hearing about ANY of this. I can die happy now.
    I’m also really really looking for to “Sharks on a Rollercoaster” now :D

  4. VM says:

    First clip = BEST CLIP EVER

  5. Tbls says:

    Can’t wait for the Bollywood version.

  6. That movie looks like the killing-est thing ever. Next blogger-reader meet up?

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