With holiday decorations going on shelves the day after Halloween and radio stations playing Christmas music a week before Thanksgiving, the patience people have for the expansion of what is considered the “Christmas season” seems to have been exhausted.

Which presents its own unique problem: when CAN we start celebrating Christmas? What if you say or do something Christmasy and someone takes offense because it’s too soon like a joke about Leslie Nielsen?

Sorry, too soon?


Well, folks, as your authority on everything (I don’t do “A Reader Asks” because I simply answer the questions myself and dictate their lives to them), I’m here to tell you that as of today, December 7th, it is OFFICIALLY OKAY TO START TALKING ABOUT CHRISTMAS.

And now, to kick off the Christmas season…JINGLE CATS!


7 Responses to Christmas Season Officially Starts

  1. gray cat says:

    fa la la to you too….

  2. Reverend Alan Rudnick says:

    This is a struggle for some Christians. Businesses dictate that it is “Christmas time” when in fact the end of Advent dictates the beginning of Christmas. Advent is the season of preparation before Christmas. In the American mind, holidays are usually celebrated before, rather than after. Christmas lasts for days after December 25. I wrote about this struggle recently in a blog post:


    Retail shopping has dictated in many believers mind that Christmas begins when stores put out their Christmas displays. Or, it begins after Thanksgiving.

  3. Em says:

    I saw a Leslie Nielsen birthday card at Price Chopper yesterday. It read “So you’re another year older…”
    I’m pretty sure it was made and marketed just to upset me.

  4. MMaur says:

    Either I’ve had a long day, or that video is hilarious…currently hiding behind my monitor stifling my laughter.

  5. ellie says:

    For me, Christmas starts once Santa comes in during the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade.

  6. Peter Quandt says:

    Jingle cats…wouldn’t be christmas without them.

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