Monkeys like to watch!

(thanks to Katherine for finding this).


13 Responses to The Beastiality of Tarzan

  1. Tony Barbaro says:

    what happens in the jungle….

  2. Tony Barbaro says:

    Once you go tiger….

  3. Chuck Miller says:

    Sometimes you have to understand that ROAR means no.

  4. jakester says:

    I knew Tiger was gettin a lot but that’s ridiculous!

  5. Tony Barbaro says:

    “If were the king of the foreeeest…”

  6. We don’t know anything about what the tiger may or may not be getting – she has stripes. The lion, well…Hey! Is Tarzan holding an e-cigarette?

  7. pat mccarthy says:

    thats a misprint its supposed to read THE BEST OF TARZAN.

  8. jakester says:

    lends new meaning to the phrase, “I’ll be a monkeys uncle”

  9. jakester says:

    and “that’s a nice piece of tail”…although haven’t heard that one in awhile.

  10. CoolMom says:

    The poor gorilla looks like he caught Tarzan cheating on him… so sad…

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