If you haven’t already, you can still enter to win two tickets to see “A Conversation with Steve Martin” at The Palace Theater. Contest runs through Thursday at 11:59pm.


Office hours have commenced for Daniel Nester this month at the Troy Arts Center.

Combining aspects of performance art with self-exploration as a writer, friend and fellow TU blogger Daniel Nester has set up shop at the Troy Arts Center in Monument Square.

His Memoir Office is part of a bigger piece called The Memoir Project, where people share their experiences through art and the written word. This month the theme is Text as Art, of which Dan’s project specifically is a featured highlight.

When I read about it yesterday I got excited, since I remember him brainstorming the idea to me several months ago. To see what he was describing come to fruition was exciting. Unlike so many other writers who serve as academics, I’m drawn to Daniel’s work because it is wholly inorganic and without pretension. When he writes a line that is supposed to be amusing, he does not give the audience a phony wry smile.

Then, as I wrote those very words you just read, Daniel leaned over and drew a gigantic phallus on a page of my notebook.

That, friends, is Daniel Nester in a nutshell, and why you should stop by The Memoir Office during his posted office hours and check out the other work on display this month at the Troy Arts Center.

Also, it wouldn’t kill you to get off your sorry ass and get a little culture.

3 Responses to Daniel Nester and his Memoir Office in downtown Troy

  1. tiredofthehorrorstories says:

    Thanks kevin, I have my shre of culture every moring. Blueberry yogurt alongside my “Wheeties”, coffee and orange juice. Sometimes i like to switch it up and have ‘Fiber One”. usually on those days when I need a little extra help while reading your blog. Hahahah, Just kidding.

  2. It’s an intriguing concept — performance art and writing combined. Could you please provide a link for The Memoir Project of which it’s a part?

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