I don’t know if you noticed or not, but I’ve been mentioning the landing of NASA’s Curiosity rover on Mars ever since it went down. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, fuck, I even logged into my Xanga for the first time in six years and posted about it on there.
I think it’s awesome.
I know that […]
Earlier today I posted this satirical take on the moral quandary some have expressed over whether or not it’s right to knowingly support a business that not only openly opposes something you believe in, but actually works to abolish something […]
The last few weeks, the Twittersphere and Google Circles and Foursquares and Facebook Triangles have been abuzz with controversy over the stance of Chik-Fil-A’s turbo-Christian CEO, Dan Cathy, who told a Baptist magazine that the company was against same-sex marriage and that
Tonight I did fifty minutes of cardio then ate a greasy burger and fries at The Brown Bag. By the way, this is the second time I’ve ordered a burger and gotten a cheeseburger. Nobody else I’ve talked to has ever had this happen to them. And I think it was the same girl each […]
Mitt Romney, wh0 should really just stay the Hell away from talking to, at, or about brown people (especially the small ones – they clearly make him […]
Check out the video below, which takes select Mr. Wizard clips that make him appear churlish, cruel, and eccentric:
Of course, it’s satire, and the point’s supposed to be how funny it would be if he actually WAS like that.
Except that’s not how it’s necessarily being taken by everyone, which is a natural […]
1. Alan Ilagan’s Jury Duty Journal
Local writer and artist Alan Ilagan recently served on the jury for the trial of the Albany teen who stabbed 17-year-old Tyler Rhodes to death during an altercation that was caught on video. He chronicled his journey and related not only his involvement in the process but the emotional […]
Mitt Romney spoke to the NAACP and it went down about as well as you’d expect for a guy who looks and talks like the white villain in a black 90s comedy.
For what it’s worth, he did much better the […]
The pilot for HBO’s “Newsroom” opens on a panel at Northwestern University featuring Will McAvoy (played by Jeff Daniels) sandwiched between two angry, pedantic hacks engaged in the sort of unashamed punditry that would be embarrassing if it weren’t so commonplace. When asked by an undergrad why he thinks America is the greatest country in […]
Just in case you’ve been completely unplugged and shut in today, President Obama finally came in support of gay marriage. Some cited the convenient timing with last night’s referendum in North Carolina, but […]
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- Realtors: “WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH” George Hearst III: “NONONOO SSSSHHH IT’S OKAY, it’s okay…here. Here’s a pacifier.” Kristi: “#oops.”
- Open Mic web series premiere tonight @ Lark Tavern
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