I’ve seen a lot of false equivalency being tossed around lately, and not just on this blog.

A few examples:

A bit unfair to the commenters in question? Perhaps, but let’s look at this from a case by case basis.

In the first example, there are various things that can make someone heroic. To imply that someone can only be heroic if they’re serving in the military is to wholly ignore the history of the United States. Heroes come in various shapes and sizes and do things to varying degrees that can affect change and inspire others. To say that any person is not heroic because they are not in the United States military is nothing more than shallow pandering and does not negate the actions of someone who’s not a soldier.

In the second example, various people (mostly people who run e-cig forums that sell the damn things – in hindsight I’m not sure why I didn’t just trash them) made the claim that the ONLY way they are able to quit smoking is through the use of E-cigs. As in, it’s either smoke or use e-cigs, but nothing in-between. As I pointed out, that’s bollocks.

In the third example – again involving smoking – a commenter implied that American non-smokers basically don’t have the right to discuss the issue of smoking because there are other unhealthy practices, particularly with food. The argument is a borderline non-sequitur, but I’ve read it many, many times before.

All three are examples of false equivalency: a logical fallacy wherein someone debates and/or attempts to negate a point by drawing a parallel to a completely unrelated point.

I don’t blame the individuals who posit these arguments so much as the general tone of the internet and television punditry. When relating a point to a person, the easiest thing to do is to put it in terms they’ll understand, and the easiest way to do this is to draw a comparison to something you know a person is familiar with and will evoke an immediate reaction.

Problem is, the need to pathologically dissect complex points and discussions into brief, entertaining snippets lends itself to anywhere from incomplete to wildly inaccurate comparisons. To wit: any concerns raised on e-cigarettes is moot because the alternative is smoking real cigarettes, a person’s not a hero because she does not wear a military uniform and carry a gun, and people can’t complain about the smokers in the apartment next door stinking up their apartment because Americans eat too much pizza.

This sort of thing is exactly why you see so many comment sections here at the Times Union and elsewhere go completely off the rails of the original point of the post and/or the discussion at hand.

My suggestion? Stop and think. If you don’t agree with something, start from the point itself. Argue what the author is saying. For example (even though I’m only about 75% convinced): e-cigarettes aren’t dangerous because the actual chemicals contained therein and the “smoke” they emit are harmless to the individual inhaling the chemicals and to others.

Then – here’s the important part – stop. Leave it there. Don’t then say “otherwise, if people don’t smoke e-cigarettes they will DIE.” Not true. Plenty of people have and continue to quit smoking using various other methods.

So the next time you’re trying to make a point and draw a shaky comparison, don’t get frustrated with the response or lack thereof. Rather, sit back and think to yourself “wait, is there really any correlation between the demolition of Troy’s City Hall and genocide?”

If the answer’s no, then there’s probably a better way to express your point. In fact, you probably already did, but it’s going to be completely wiped out once you keep going and draw that false equivalency that completely negates any faith people have in your ability to provide a reasonable counterpoint.

Otherwise, instead of making a point, you become the Adolf Hitler of the comments section. And nobody likes an Adolf Hitler.


17 Responses to on False Equivalency

  1. Chuck Miller says:

    Good point, Kevin. Well written.

  2. Tina says:

    Thanks for writing this. Hopefully, the people whom you are addressing will see themselves in this post (well, at least some of them). Well done, Kevin.

  3. Will King says:

    I’m sure there was SOMEONE who liked Adolf Hitler!

    (I don’t mean that I liked Hilter either)

  4. Victoria Roth says:

    Great post. It’s good to review our logical fallacies every now and then. :-)
    And nice reductio ad Hitlerum dig at the end.

  5. john says:

    Kevin, I totally agree with you on your point that some of the bloggers get way off topic or make points that are kind of off the wall. I have to disagree with you on the other hand, when dealing with the “coming out video.”

    I do think what this young lady did took a tremendous amount of courage, but again I would like to stress my point that “there is a time and place for everything.” This was an assembly to celebrate a man who dedicated himself fighting for the equal treatment of “all” Americans, not just the “LGBT”. Would MLK be happy about this young lady coming out? I would say yes! but I also think that MLK would’ve opened up the stage to everyone else who had a “special annoucment/different background.” People are going to take this statement and run with it however they might want to, but in my opinion, this young woman turned this assembly into “her own personal coming out party.”

    • John – I get, understand, and appreciate your point. But what does it have to do with this post and specifically the commenters who used the example of soldiers to dispute that what she did took courage?

  6. NGD says:

    Yes, but with all the war and famine and misery in the world, how dare we attempt to use logic to come to reasonable answers ?

  7. A. says:

    Good point to make, but somehow I think that when people stop and THINK, they still won’t be able to see that 1+1 doesn’t equal 2…

    Not all people are logical.

  8. BRL says:

    Thanks, Kevin. There were a lot of defensive, aggressive, and just plain mean smokers (or smoking supporters) over on Amanda’s blog. When the guy in question started inferring, and then straight out asking if I was obese, I just had to laugh. It amazes me what some people will do when something they do is called into question (even if it’s widely agreed upon that they have the minority view).

  9. BRL says:

    HAHAHA! I know, it’s crazy. I’m going to take my fat ass over to Pizza Hut for the lunch buffet today & let some pepperoni grease run down my chin, would you like to join me??

  10. jakester says:

    In the words of the immortal great one”

    “And as for me I can sit here and bide my time
    I got nothing to lose if I speak my mind.
    I don’t care anymore I don’t care no more

    I don’t care what you say
    We never played by the same rules anyway.”

  11. ned says:

    Did you just engage in reductio ad hitlerum?

  12. I did and can if I want to! What is this, communist Russia?!

  13. jakester says:

    Kev, nope the good ole’ socialist USA :o)

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