In Washington, DC and New York City, people took to the streets and celebrated. Why couldn't I join them?

As I write this, it’s 11:35pm on Sunday night and we have known Osama bin Laden has been dead for about forty-five minutes. Strangely, I don’t feel the same joy and exaltation that I hear and see other people expressing over the news.

The President finally took the podium a full hour after his scheduled announcement and delivered an eloquent speech. There was a particularly powerful statement he made about the worst images of the terrorist acts unseen by most of America, such as the empty seat at the dinner table reserved for those loved ones taken away from us. He finished by reciting the end of the pledge of allegiance and walked away from the podium to silence. It was, I suppose, to allow us a dramatic moment to reflect. Instead, to me, the silence was deafening. As I watched and read reaction on Facebook, Twitter, and from texts of friends, family, and loved ones that came through on my phone, I became confused as to why I didn’t feel that level of joy that everyone else seemed to be expressing.

I turned off my phone’s alerts, closed my Macbook, and went outside to clear my head. Yesterday had been a gorgeous and productive day, capped off by an equally gorgeous evening. The cool night air blew gently on my forearms and neck. Yet, as I looked around, I did not see or feel the world any differently than I had before the news broke; not like I had on that weird day a little less than ten years ago where men under the direction of the now deceased bin Laden crashed planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

This realization made me angry. It seemed unfair that he could take away so much from us and leave permanent scars, but when we finally succeed in our mission to capture or kill him the scars didn’t automatically heal. There was no great fix and no restoring that sense of loss of life and security. I felt disappointed at the lack of karmic balance, then ashamed that I thought there somehow might be.

Despite its structure and pretense to the contrary, al Qaeda is a personality-driven organization with bin Laden as a figurehead. His death is definitely a blow to their morale, cohesion, and sense of central purpose, even if it doesn’t destroy the organization in the long run. But the fight of free nations against terrorism isn’t over, and realistically, it may not be in our lifetime. Too many things have to fall into place and much more effort and loss of life will be put towards this venture. It will also require us to perform an honest introspective examination of ourselves and our history, which we as human beings find difficult to do on a large scale. The man is dead, but he’s been a ghost to me for ten years and I can’t help but feel like no great change has occurred, nor can I bring myself to celebrate.

Last night I took the time to thank people like Kate, Tom, John, and so many others I know who opted to serve our country during and after the events of September 11th, 2001, and I’ll do so here again. I will not fault them any revelatory excitement over the news. They were a part of that search and their joy is at a mission accomplished and the justification of the death of compatriots. Nor will I fault any other American who first saw that news confirmed at 10:40pm or thereabouts and said “good” or opened a bottle of wine. Because, to be honest, I envy that sense of closure. What I feel is not a feeling of sadness over a death, but regret that I can’t join in on the celebration.

Maybe one day I’ll be able to look back on last night differently and convey its meaning in a more eloquent manner. For now, all I know is that Osama bin Laden is dead. Also dead, still, are those three thousand civilians in New York City, hundreds of thousands of our soldiers and civilians on both sides, and even more who didn’t know they were on a “side.” No operation, no celebration, no clandestine Presidential announcements, and no assassination of a targeted figurehead can bring them back and fill those empty seats.


On an unrelated note, I want to bring to your attention the fact that you can make a $10 donation to help victims from last week’s tornadoes that swept through the South by texting “REDCROSS” to 90999.

33 Responses to No closure from Osama bin Laden’s death

  1. Eric says:

    “But the fight of free nations against terrorism isn’t over…”

    “It will also require us to perform an honest introspective examination of ourselves and our history…”


  2. Jen says:

    There is no real sense of closure, speaking as someone who broke open the wine upon news of his death.

    This is a sense of victory. A sense that you cannot #$!@ with the US and get away with it. That even if it takes ten years, you F with us and we’re gonna get your @55.

    No one believes it’s over. No one believes that this will stop anyone from hating America. What we believe is that you cannot go around killing our citizens just for going to work today.

  3. Rob Madeo says:

    It’s good that he’s dead, but it does feel a bit like killing the head cockroach.

  4. Josh says:

    I’m disheartened to be learning a lot this morning about all the friends I have who consider themselves Christian. For the most part, I’m learning that most of those who consider themselves Christian are a lot further from Christianity than my wife and myself…and we’re atheists.

  5. SiobhanGK says:

    Get out of my head, Kevin! I agree: bin Laden was a figurehead, and I deeply doubt that this marks a turning point in the “War on Terror.”

    As someone who had a loved one die in the terrorist attacks on September 11th, and as someone who has had many friends and former classmates fight in the “War on Terror,” this doesn’t feel like a victory moment.

    I do praise the successful military planning and fearless work of the soldiers involved. I would love for this to mean all the difference in winning the “War on Terror.” But realistically, I feel that in the “War on Terror,” we have miles to go before we sleep.

  6. Michael Rivest says:

    Thanks for your moving reflection, Kevin. And I share, and have felt many times, the sinking realization that striking back never leaves the expected warm fuzzies.

    I don’t rejoice in vengeance, as do the folks who trouble Josh (comment #4).

    But neither do I shrink from its necessity at times. While I feel no joy, this much is certain: the son-of-a-bitch is dead, and that is good.

  7. Ann says:

    I agree and I like Rob’s comment.
    Also, “we” killed two infants and a toddler at the Gaddaffi compoud. We do not have a moral upper hand and we need to be aware of how our actions affect other countries.
    For me at least, 9-11 was a wake up call that we do not operate in a vaccuum and that we are not untouchable.
    Killing Osama didn’t kill the fear.

  8. Jack says:

    Perhaps you would have reacted differently had multi colored streamers been involved.

  9. jrcasmir says:

    dude you always tell it like it is, but without being to over the top, i comend you for this.. good post…

  10. Sue says:

    Couldn’t agree more. It feels strange (and maybe a little hypcritical?) to feel a sense of excitement or closure over a death – when death is what we’re so angry about in the first place.

    I am grateful to those who live (and have died) as heros, who protect freedom and fight for justice. I “get” why killing Bin Ladin is a victory. I think maybe I’m just sad that it was necessary in the first place.

  11. BRL says:

    This was a great post, Kevin. I was just talking to a co-worker about how we are unable to be as excited as everyone else seems to be… While I think it’s awesome that our troops succeeded in finding & killing Bin Laden, I am more overwhelmed with the thought that we – as a country – need to be on even higher alert. Bin Laden may have been the figurehead, but there are thousands of his followers who are now really, really pissed. While I’m not a conspiracy theorist, and I DO believe that Bin Laden’s death is true, I DON’T think this is the end… and that, in itself, is scary.

  12. lizzee says:

    So much joy on the blogs and newscasts today but you have captured my sentiments best. I was shocked when I turned on the news at 7 am and sat back on the bed and had to draw a deep breath to take it all in,what they were saying and that Bin Laden was buried almost immediately, at sea. The tragedy of 9/11 came rushing back-our son was in Chicago and we tried to make contact and get him home as fast as possible,not knowing what and where would be next that day. Did we want revenge then-Sure! But,time has shown that revenge gets no one any further to the goals of peace and acceptance. Today’s news has not made me elated. It is similar to the ambivalence I felt on hearing that the son and grandchildren of Kadaffi were killed. It is hard for me to express joy when American justice is done with such violence. Could we have learned anything by capturing and imprisoning Bin Laden-no,he would have committed suicide and become a huge martyr. But,there is still that niggling doubt that we may be jumping for joy too soon.

  13. Gman says:

    The Mafia didn’t dry up and blow away when they locked up Capone. Expect the same from those who follow bin Laden’s creed. We grant them too much legitimacy when we speak of a “war” on terror, as though they were an organized and recognized state rather than the nihilistic criminals they are.

    The way to fight them spans international law enforcement, international military, diplomacy and intellectual persuasion of the vulnerable. And by looking at what goes on every day in Afghanistan, with disgruntled native troops blowing themselves and others up simultaneously, I can’t say I’m optimistic that we’ll ever “win” this kind of struggle.

    But this guy we got. It’s a big win. But nothing to celebrate. Just something that should reinforce resolve to play this life-and-death game smart as we can every move.

  14. countrygirl says:

    Having been in NYC on 9-11, I can say the day and its aftermath still haunts me, but closure here? Nope, don’t feel it, don’t feel much of anything really.

  15. Vincent Barr says:

    I can relate to your sentiment. Osama Bin Lan was one man and one brutally active member of a terrorist group. His killing is, I suppose, the closest we can get to feeling that “justice has been done.” But, there is no way that man’s life was equivalent to the thousands that he took. It’s not a fair exchange and I view it as a small victory in a much larger, much more threatening war.

    It is a place to continue to build momentum from, but certainly not the be all and end all to the threat of terrorism.

  16. Jim S says:

    I agree with those who are sort of numbed by the news. Yes, the figurehead, the one they may rally around is gone, but as a friend in NYC told me this morning, it actually changes little.

    And he rather cynically reminded me that it was eight years ago May 1 that Bush proclaimed “Mission Accomplished” aboard that destroyer.

  17. Brian says:

    Everything you said is true but sometimes you (ok-I) have to take pleasure in knowing that somebody that has brought so much pain to the world is dead.I have no doubt that it’s a good example of mankind’s petty nature (my words not yours )but there you are.Tomorrow we’ll get back to our other petty crap.

  18. tj says:

    @#4, Josh – Just because people are Christians, they’re still human and have the same feelings and flaws as any other human being. Bin Laden caused incredible death and destruction so you have to understand people having a strong reaction to his death – even jubilation. I don’t think someone’s reaction has anything to do with whether they’re Christian or Atheist, or what have you, it has to do with someone’s personal feelings. I am Catholic and the Catholic religion is based strongly on forgiveness, and while I would find it very hard to forgive Bin Laden for the atrocities he committed while on this Earth, I don’t feel any relief or joy because of his death. I only feel great sadness for all the lives lost on 9/11 and since, and for the fact that so many people can have such incredible hate for one another. My non-reaction to Bin Laden’s death has nothing to do with religion, just my personal feelings and I don’t judge anyone who is celebrating his death – human nature is human nature, regardless of whether you believe in God or not.

  19. Leigh says:

    Yeah, this pretty much sums up how I feel about the situation. Seeing people cheering in the streets made me want to cry. I remember how awful 9/11 felt; such an overwhelming sadness. That sadness is still so easy to access, and this doesn’t help it one bit.

    If anything, this is a good lesson in human nature. We search so desperately for, “closure,” but it’s almost always cold comfort. No one’s death should be celebrated, not even the most evil among us.

  20. Brian C says:

    I agree with you that there is no closure that comes from this. Eye for an Eye scenarios do not bring back loved ones. However, I do have to say that there is a bit of a sigh of relief that this man is dead. His continued existance for the last 10 years after the attacks felt like a taunting of sorts. now that the man is dead, i truly believe that some solace can come to the families and friends of the victims. Not closure, but just a little gratification that the killer has been killed. You cant destroy evil, but you can destroy evil men, and that is what was done yesterday. The world, if even just for a day, is a better place today.

  21. Josh says:


    It is one thing to have feelings. It is quite another to act on them, as we know.

    I don’t begrudge anyone who feels relief inside at bin Laden’s death. But it’s one thing to feel relief, or even joy, at another person’s death. It’s another to go outside in the middle of the night and sing and dance.

    One is the mark of somebody who’s trying to be a better person. And one is the mark of somebody who is apparently completely at the mercy of their most base desires and emotions.

    Did you read the Vatican’s statement, BTW? “Faced with the death of a man, a Christian never rejoices but reflects on the serious responsibility of each and every one of us before God and before man, and hopes and commits himself so that no event be an opportunity for further growth of hatred, but for peace.”

  22. Emma G says:

    Thank you for this post, and for the many thoughtful and honest comments (especially #20). I’m glad to see I was not the only one not joining in the celebration.

  23. tj says:

    Josh – I agree with you completely. All I am saying is this behavior has nothing to do with someone’s religion, but rather, someone’s nature. I know many, many Christians feeling no joy whatsoever over this man’s death and the people who are celebrating probably would benefit from a little soul searching. I mean, if I weren’t of any religion, I’d still be the same person and feel the same way. I’d still find it hard to celebrate the death of another person. That’s just who I am. Maybe you need to look at what kind of PEOPLE your friends are, rather than what RELIGION they are. The world is full of hypocrites. As far as the Vatican’s statement, the Vatican always calls for peace over violence, which I also agree with. In a perfect world everyone would think that way and then we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

  24. jakester says:

    I think it would have given a more sastifying completed feeling had Bin Laden been bought back to the US and maybe burried in a pig sty in Tenessee instead of a muslim burial at sea… he and his “people” accord no decency to any of those they’ve heniously murdered.

    The world is not only full of hypocrites it’d full of BS and evil people who DESERVE more then they get, in a lot of cases an eye for an eye works for me…

  25. Joseph Cea says:

    Even if he is just a figurehead I must admit to feeling very “Un-Christian” in saying I’m happy he’s dead and I hope he burns in hell!

    Of course it would have been better to lock him in a basement and let every victim of 9/11 line up at the door and have one punch at him. Then maybe a five minute break before the serious stuff starts. Naw…I changed my mind – that’s just not right – no break!

  26. Ellen says:

    I am glad he is dead and hope he does burn in hell… at least one part of me is. Another part, a very small part, feels sad that we had to be the country, once again, to step up and take care of this and take another human life. An eye for an eye… still it’s killing someone else, deserved or not.

  27. Will King says:

    The war on terror is really not much different from the war on drugs, if only from the standpoint that it will never, ever end.

    Bin Laden getting killed means little to me because when I think about the big picture, the whole of terror, just like the whole of drugs, will never end.

    He will be replaced by another and when we (or someone else) kills him, there will be another, and another, and so on.

    Bleak? Yes. Depressing? Yes. The truth? 100%

  28. akester says:

    Will, some sililarities maybe, but in reality totally totally different.

    Drugs are purely about money. In the war on drugs, losses are filled by others looking for riches. Drugs are fueled by users desire FOR drugs. There is no one looking to be a victim in a terror plot. The terrorist isn’t looking for riches. They’re basically sick deranged people who end up living on the run till they’re killed or captured.

    • jakester – You’re right, but I don’t think that’s the correlation Will was going for. Rather that they are war on concepts as a whole, and as such unending. A war with a country or specific organization can achieve finality. A war on al Qaeda or a drug cartel can have an endpoint. A war on “terror” or “drugs,” not so much. That was his only point.

      Though I do need to point out that there are absolutely people that profit from terror, if not financially then politically.

  29. Will King says:

    jakester, Kevin explained me better than I could explain myself.

  30. jakester says:

    Kev and Will, gotcha thanks for the clarifications…
    and I agree there’s people that profit for terrorism, but that’s not usually the trrorists motivation, politically certainly…
    Thanks again…

  31. Special K/Katie says:


    I must say..thank you. This post an your comments are the closest I’ve read in this past week that related to what I feel. My mom was down there in the subway under the first tower that day…and man…was she and my family lucky. But there isn’t a minute that those emotions and thoughts of the day aren’t RIGHT THERE.

    I cannot serve our nation but I certainly have tried many times…now I have future in-laws that do and I celebrated with them when this news broke.

    Yes it is a man dead….and as Brian (#20) said “The world, if even just for a day, is a better place today.” But your are right…the pain is still there, in addition to the thought that it takes 2 hours (exaggeration) to get through airport security, and that there will always be someone ready, and MORE than willing to take OBLs place.

    Evil exists, we know that, but if for a minute we can feel a little safer..I’ll take it.

    Also…this was planned for a very very long time..and no doubt someone would have had something to say about whatever President was in office when it actually happened…

    but can we please please please not forget those that protect us every day….during the big and “small” missions….they face this daily…and we sleep better because of it.

    Ok….I’m done now..I swear ;-)

  32. luvpudders says:

    People from NJ/NY were so proud of the World Trade Center and what it meant (people from all walks of life, all countries, having freedom and coming together in business/marketing). It had a huge impact on lives in the NY Metro area. We will never forget, and, sadly, I don’t believe there will ever be closure.

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